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Godfrey Museveni's Story

Godfrey Museveni's Story

Godfrey Museveni, 36, a casual work at YFF is from a poverty stricken home located in
the village of Kabusookoro in the Kabarole District of Uganda.

Godfrey lived a hand-to-mouth life from the small jobs he was doing in his village – jobs
like fetching water, digging and weeding in people’s plantations, and fetching firewood
and water for funeral nights and parties. These would have been his sources of income
for the rest of his life if Yahweh Faith Foundation had not come to his village in 2023.
Godfrey says, “Yahweh Faith Foundation was God’s plan to improve and impact greatly
on my life. The nursery school has turned my village characterized by poor roads, petty
thieves and darkness into a city.”

According to Godfrey, children who had no hope of going to school can now read, write
and speak correctly. Even many adults with no formal education have found
employment and are walking with their heads high, because of opportunities with
Yahweh Faith Foundation Nursery School.

Godfrey wakes up knowing that he has a job at Yahweh Faith Foundation Nursery
School, and that the job has changed his life for the better. He has, for instance, built
himself a semi-permanent house and purchased a goat and some rabbits to raise for

Godfrey, as is so common in Uganda, is HIV positive. Fortunately, he can now get
medication. Tragically, AIDS claimed the life of his only daughter at the age of two.
By having a steady income from Yahweh Faith Foundation Nursery School, Godfrey has
become a primary bread-winner in the family, along with his widowed mother. He is
even helping his nieces and nephews with their school expenses, from tuition to

According to Godfrey, YFF Nursery School is regarded as a life changer because it has
encouraged the once hard-hearted pagans of his village to go to churches to pray. This
is an example of the impact of the children who pray every morning at school and are
encouraged to pray at home as well.

“Very few people from this village or sub-county used to go to churches to pray. They
are now doing so because their children tell them that it was God who brought the
school to their community,” Godfrey says.

He attributes the many born-again people from his area to YFF Nursery School which
has acted as an example to them. He says the director of the school, Rev. Elijah
Mugisas, enjoys praying and wants people to pray always.

Godfrey and many others are thankful to the friends from America who are donors to
Yahweh Faith Foundation.

“Rev Mugisa tells us that the money to run the school comes from friends in America.
This is very great and we are praying for these friends to get more blessings,” Museveni

His seven months employment at YFF Nursery School has given him hope that there is
a bright future for him as well as others.

Godfrey dreams of being able to visit the United States to thank friends and pray with
them. Not long ago, he didn’t realize that prayer could change one’s life, but now he
knows Jesus and the power of prayer to change everything.